
1990 - Global Charter Association formed. Negotiated flight crew hotel rates and published first hotel directory for corporate flight departments.

1994 - Reorganized under new name: Corporate Aircraft Association. Began the search for a CAA fuel program. Continued to publish the flight crew hotel directory (paper to disk).

1995 - Initiated the CAA FUEL PROGRAM under the leadership of the CAA Fuel Committee Co-Chairmen: Roger Haney (ConAgra) and Milt Hobbs (MCI).

1999 - Instituted member’s voting for CAA Preferred FBO’s. 

2000 - Instituted “lowest price” requirement for CAA Preferred FBO’s.

2002 - Instituted policy requiring all new members to go through 6 month Free Trial Membership Program.

2015 - New CAA website: http://www.corpaa.us

2016 - Smartphone Membership Card introduced

2017 - Update to CAA website: http://www.corpaa.us

2017 - Price structure change


  • Bob Bordes Retires
  • David Scobey selected as President and CEO
  • PJ Clark selected as COO
  • Project Jet Blast Kick-off (New FBO & Member platform)
  • New Membership Milestone 11,790 tails